Cannabis is one of the most delicate plants with controversial arguments. Its use can either worsen your situation or add value to it. Therefore, before you decide on consuming it, ensure you have a wide knowledge of the risks and benefits. However, research proves that cannabis health uses are slowly overtaking its bad effects making it legal in most states. 


Cannabis is a general term of three psychoactive plants i.e., cannabis ruderalis, cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Sativa. Their flowers form the raw material. After harvesting, they are dried and crushed before the addition of other additives. The two main extracts being Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). 

CBD is non-euphoric and non-intoxicating. It does not get the consumer “high” hence most widely used in the health sector. THC forms the larger psychoactive part of cannabis. It makes the user “high” hence preferred for personal use. Cannabis product can either contain both extracts and each separately. 

CBD uses 

When you hear of cannabis health uses, what always comes next is the type of CBD. Its dosage can be in tablets, creams, or oils. However, to qualify for application, it must have a 0.3% THC content or less. This forms the legal part of CBD. It applies for  

1. Pain relieving – the brain forms the major response organ of the human body. It interlinks with nerves that form the pain receptor unit. This entity is responsible for transmitting pulses from an injured part of the body to the brain resulting in pain feeling. CBD influences the activity of this unit to ease inflammation. 

2. Cancer treatment – cancer deaths rank top in most states worldwide. Its treatment comes with the use of high-power equipment such as x-rays and radiation machines. Besides, other drugs in the application may have negative impacts resulting in complications such as nausea. A 2019 CBD review of Vivo studies revealed that it could eliminate tumor cell growth, and reduce its invasion. This slows cancer cells’ growth. CBD intake amongst cancer patients also minimizes the related treatment effects such as pain and nausea. 

3. Heart treatment – CBD has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties that cool the risk factors of heart disease. A relaxing and calming effect of cannabis maximizes quality blood flow and generally the desired heart health. 

4. Relieves stress and anxiety – CBD induces the brain to release serotonin. This biological antidepressant fights such situations to normalize body functions. It works better compared to the pharmaceuticals that may bring along negative impacts. 

5. Substance abuse relief – addiction ranks the largest impact of drug abuse. Withdrawal attempts come with negative responses such as chronic pain. This leads to the prescription of painkillers that may not perform well compared to CBD. Its ability to control pain and brain function makes it a first choice. 

Intake methods 

Effective cannabis health uses count on dosage prescription and administration methods. Each choice with a varying response time and effects. Therefore, always seek clarification from a professional doctor for guidelines. Cannabis intake approaches include smoking, vaping, and edibles. For edibles, you can have them infused in drinks and food. Vaping refers to the inhaling of heated oil. 

Health effects 

Despite its multiple benefits, cannabis abuse is prone to complications such as chronic coughing and acute bronchitis. Smoking, in turn, results in lung distortion and blood vessel damage. Therefore, intake should always follow a doctor’s prescription. 

Bottom Line 

Cannabis health benefits are infinitely becoming adverse. Thus, it is undoubtedly getting a wider acceptance and application. However, to maintain this, use it wisely to avoid negative impacts. 

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